The cradle of Dutch cycling sport
The cycling culture is alive and kicking in West Brabant. In addition to top competitions, the local area with its extensive polders where the wind has free rein is perfect for training. Not to mention a rich history with successful racers such as Kees Pellenaars from Terheijden who became the first Dutch world champion in 1934. Or Wim van Est from Fijnaart, the first Dutch cyclist to wear the yellow jersey in the Tour de France. Other famous cycle racers who come from around here include Woutje and Rini Wagtmans, Frits Pirard, Johan van der Velde, Jacques Hanegraaf, Adrie van der Poel en and Marianne Vos.
Photo: Lieske Meima-Zuiderwaterlinie

Want to discover the region for yourself by bike?
Check out the following cycle routes:
Isn’t backpacking something you only do in faraway lands?
No, absolutely not! Put on your backpack and discover how lovely and surprising North Brabant can be. Naline, Stop and Stare travel magazine, has been out on the road and shared her experiences with us. Curious? Then read on right now.